Let's Talk About Firsts!
Asana of the Month – December . 18
We are slamming on the brakes to double back and help build a foundation...
Asana of the month - Oct. 18
Red pointing alone will not make you a stronger, better, or happier climber.
To offer you some new balance to your normal routine, follow along with our monthly yoga posture.
Training Tip #2
Training Tip
A working, happy, injury free body is a precious thing.
Climbing is hard on it, training–even more so.
Climber, setter and fitness instructor Jess B. is here to start bringing you a monthly training tip. Before she gets started shaking up your training routine, she’s going to teach you how to properly warm up, and get your body ready for everything you want to throw at it.
Asana of the Month - August '18
Getting better is a balancing act.
That Moon Board alone will not make you a stronger, better, or happier climber.
To offer you some new balance to your normal routine, follow along with our monthly yoga posture.
Asana of the Month - July '18
Asana of the Month
Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Fold – Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
Asana Of The Month
Alex is killing it over at our TAKEHOLD Ladies' Volume site takeholdlv.com. Follow along as she presents her monthly yoga posture.
"Pull ups alone will not make you a stronger, better, or happier climber. To offer you some new balance to your normal routine, follow along with our monthly yoga posture."
Adventure Mamas
“I guess we’re going?”
My best friend and I must have uttered that a few dozen times. Always ending with that rise in tone indicating our intent with the veiled statement was really just a chance to allow the other to change their mind.
Girl Stories | Issue 1
The Approach - TAKEHOLDLV
The struggle between wearing your cool shoes to the crag (doomed to spend the day slipping while you scramble) or wearing proper approach shoes
Amber Jaxon
Frenzied by the new landscape, she clambered to find out where the employees that staffed the national park lived, what mountains she could hike, what people did there for fun. She wanted nothing but to overfill her mind with Yosemite. At the summit of Half Dome she managed to strike up a conversation with some climbers, who lived only 45 minutes from her hometown.