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Smooth Super 3

  • Smooth Super 3 is HUGE. It is the biggest, simplest, and most incut pinch on the market. Enough said.
  • Hold Count: 1
    Size: Features
    Style: Pinches, Jugs
    Shaper: Louie Anderson
    Difficulty: Easy
    Weight: 7.10 lbs

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
John Clark
World Cup Woodie

First big hold on my 30° comp themed garage wall. Adds the possibility for sloper problems, pinching, toe hook, heels, kneebars, etc. The neon pink really pops off the black board too. Hoping to eventually have a TC/BPump style spray wall and this is the first piece.

Andrew Cunningham
Cliff Hanger

Beautiful GIANT hold with multiple ways to grasp and use. On slab to 15 degrees, it is very friendly. Onward 20-40 degrees, it becomes a much more calculated grip depending on body placement. We have not tried it beyond 40 or on the roof, but can imagine it will be a tough pinch and excellent toe hook! Perfect design!

Jawn Fonzerelli

Nice big hold. Pink color was fantastic! Super high quality The only Negative was the lead time.

Amaris Paramo
We adore vaccine!

My SO and I purchased several so ill holds from our home Woody and are constantly amazed by the amazing quality! Vaccine has quickly become one of my favorite holds and I love seeing it in my public indoor gym spaces as well! Cannot go wrong with some so ill holds!

So iLL diagram showing the jugs, pinches style of climbing holds a so ill diagram indicating the fungus of incut for a hold set.  This set is 4 out of 5 so ill climbing hold diagram indicating the best angles to use climbing holds on.  This set is best at slab, vert, 15°, 30°, 45°, and roof
So iLL diagram showing the jugs, pinches style of climbing holds a so ill diagram indicating the fungus of incut for a hold set.  This set is 4 out of 5 so ill climbing hold diagram indicating the best angles to use climbing holds on.  This set is best at slab, vert, 15°, 30°, 45°, and roof

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